I've finished. It's been a while sense I started this book and then put it aside to read other things. Part I had been a bit put off by how Book #3 concluded, but I'm glad that I found the time to read this next instalment.
The medical descriptions made me cringe like the wimp I am. Gabaldon definitely has a talent in this area. One of my favourite scenes was when Claire operated on Myers. Highly amusing.
The love between Jamie and Claire remains evident and like any couple they have their ups and downs, but more often then not, with the two of them they can survive anything.
There were more points of view this time around, but I wish we had more Jamie POVs.
Brianna and Roger were a major force in this story and the hardship they went through, although very different circumstances affected them, in the end this made them stronger and ready for the next phase of the story.
Recommend that if you like historical fiction, this series is entertaining, consuming and well written.