Angela's Book History

I love reading books to escape everyday life.

Shock & Awe

Shock & Awe - Abigail Roux It was just okay for me. Part of my issue is that I still don't buy the relationship between Nick and Kelly. Perhaps this book was hampered, by being a bit short and hence not enough time to show some kind of relationship evolution. By this I mean, yes they are friends, but I didn't see the leap to being more than friends as plausible and realistic.

The Luminaries

The Luminaries - Eleanor Catton This might just be the best book I've ever read. Intelligent, thought provoking and completely absorbing that I couldn't put it down. Catton skilfully related this mystery tale from a multiple point of view perspective.

The Rosie Project

The Rosie Project - Graeme Simsion I loved this book. Easy to read, funny and insightful. I was cheering Don on and loved his "projects".

The Blade Itself: Book One Of The First Law (Gollancz S.F.)

The Blade Itself - Joe Abercrombie I enjoyed the book. The main issue for me the frequent use of the word giggling for grown people. I don't know. I found it a little off putting. But, as it's the first book, I'm willing to the give the other books in the series a go.

The Nothingness of Ben

The Nothingness of Ben - Brad Boney I was kind of bored with this book. It was just an okay read for me. I didn't feel invested in the characters and kind of found Ben a bit unlikable. My main problem was that I didn't feel enough time was spent on grieving for the parents. I felt that the kids almost didn't miss their parents except for a few stilted scenes. Perhaps this is why I couldn't connect with the story. It ended up being a DNF for me. I just couldn't waste my time continuing.

Covet Thy Neighbor

Covet Thy Neighbor - L.A. Witt It was a bit short for me. I enjoyed it, but didn't find Seth being an atheist that convincing.

The Name of the Wind

The Name of the Wind - Patrick Rothfuss I had heard such great things about this book that I was sure I would like it. Sadly that is not the case. I've tried twice now to read it and I just don't get it. I don't like the lead Kvothe and if I don't warm to the main character, I'm never going to be invested in his story.

The first part of the book was a bit ponderous. I kept thinking, get to the point.

The Flesh Cartel #2: Auction

The Flesh Cartel #2: Auction (The Flesh Cartel Season 1: Damnation) - Rachel Haimowitz, Heidi Belleau This second part took me through the ringer. However I need to know that Mat and Dougie will be okay in the end. Nikolai and Madame and Co I want dead. This serial is graphic and anyone looking at it please bear in mind the content warnings.

The Flesh Cartel #1: Capture

The Flesh Cartel #1: Capture (The Flesh Cartel Season 1: Damnation) - Rachel Haimowitz, Heidi Belleau Colour me intrigued. I'm interested to see how this serial pans out. The first instalment was brutal, graphic, and kind of left a dry taste in my mouth, but I couldn't stop reading.

Ty Hard

Ty Hard - L.E. Harner This pushed by buttons and was just an okay read. I dislike it when people just meet and one of the main characters is already calling the other character baby. Come on. How often would this happen in real life??

My second problem. Spelling mistakes!!!!!

Drums of Autumn

Drums of Autumn - Diana Gabaldon I've finished. It's been a while sense I started this book and then put it aside to read other things. Part I had been a bit put off by how Book #3 concluded, but I'm glad that I found the time to read this next instalment.

The medical descriptions made me cringe like the wimp I am. Gabaldon definitely has a talent in this area. One of my favourite scenes was when Claire operated on Myers. Highly amusing.

The love between Jamie and Claire remains evident and like any couple they have their ups and downs, but more often then not, with the two of them they can survive anything.

There were more points of view this time around, but I wish we had more Jamie POVs.

Brianna and Roger were a major force in this story and the hardship they went through, although very different circumstances affected them, in the end this made them stronger and ready for the next phase of the story.

Recommend that if you like historical fiction, this series is entertaining, consuming and well written.

The Flesh Cartel #11: Permanent Record

The Flesh Cartel #11: Permanent Record (The Flesh Cartel Season 4: Liberation) - Rachel Haimowitz, Heidi Belleau Finally feels like it's setting things up for some kind of conclusion or is this the lull. I'm over Dougie. I don't really care anymore what happens to him. I just need Mat to escape somehow. I'll be disappoint if the next episode is more of the same we had in #10. I'm ready for the conclusion to this series.

The Flesh Cartel #10: False Gods

The Flesh Cartel #10: False Gods (The Flesh Cartel Season 3: Transformation) - Heidi Belleau, Rachel Haimowitz I feel like I'm on a treadmill and can't get off until I see the conclusion of this series. It's horrific reading and yet I can't seem to stop. This edition just felt like things continue to go from worse to as gut wrenching as this edition does and it made me feel slightly ill to read them.

I need Nikolai to be dead by the end of this series and if Dougie, sorry Douglas, goes back to him, I'll be pretty mad. How he could recover from what is happening I have no idea.

The series is starting to feel a bit drawn out to me as well. I kind of need it to be over. I'll keep reading the end to see how it plays out, but this felt more like, "how bad can we make things get for these two brothers."

It's Mat's story that I'm far more interested in. Here is hoping that eventually this series will make some sense. I don't see how at present that it can end satisfactorily.

Cry Wolf

Cry Wolf - Patricia Briggs I enjoyed Anna and Charles story in this first book of the series however I didn't love it. I found I was more interested in what the other characters were up to and their dynamics. the interaction between Charles, Samuel and Bran was more engrossing and I sometimes find with the whole mating storyline that I really have to suspend belief to go along with it and sadly I didn't feel it. I wanted to know more about the other female characters as well, Leah and Sage. I found Anna a bit boring and I guess I like my heroines kick ass.

The Salisbury Key

The Salisbury Key - Harper Fox The story was okay for me. I wasn't racing to the end, desperately turning the pages. I still didn't get a real sense of why Jason killed himself. Did he need to? I'm not sure. Perhaps he couldn't live with what he had done, but his whole death seemed a bit forced to me.

I didn't really warm to Daniel either. I liked Rayne well enough, but because I wasn't in Daniel, whose POV the story is told from, I found I wasn't invested in the outcome.

Ashes of Honor

Ashes of Honor - Seanan McGuire Entertaining read. My favourite book of the series to date. October Daye continues to go from strength to strength and the personal growth is refreshing to see. If you need someone to help you find a missing child or item then Daye is the heroine for you. She won't stop until she achieves her objective.

There are plenty of side characters who each add an element to the story. From Tybalt, always got your back Daye, to May who seems to be making a great personal assistant, to Quentin, the squire.

If you want a series that breaks the mould and is getting better and better, than this is the series for you.

Currently reading

The Punishment of Gaza
Gideon Levy
An Echo in the Bone
Diana Gabaldon